
A business portrait with Mirifoto is not business as usual. We photograph rockstars and businesspeople, and in our book, there’s really no difference. Our cinematic approach makes every portrait a work of art. And if art is your business? We highlight that, too.

Whether it’s an individual shot, a group shot, or even a product shot, it’s all about telling the story of your brand in a way that evokes the desired response. We’ll work with you to find just the right look and feel for your photos, from buttoned-up to quirky to laid-back and personal.

Need a headshot session for your team?

Your people are superstars…and Mirifoto knows just how to make them shine. We make your folks so comfortable that no time is lost in capturing the essence of their personality. We can bring a variety of backdrops, do sessions outdoors, or find a location so unique that it sets your business apart. We work with you to make your most extraordinary vision a reality.

Case Study:

Check out the below sessions we’ve done for one of our corporate clients. We’ve done headshots for over 100 of their employees, including every new hire. We’ve maintained their preferred, uniform look while bringing the uniqueness of every team member to the forefront.